
This section highlights some terminology used in this SWS documentation

See our Integration Book - Terminology Sections

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a standardized protocol used for the transfer of information on the World Wide Web. It establishes a connection between a client and a server, allowing for the request and delivery of web resources such as HTML pages, images, videos, and more. HTTP operates on a request-response model, where the client sends a request to the server, and the server responds with the requested data or an appropriate error message. It forms the foundation for web browsing, enabling the retrieval and display of web content in a user-friendly manner.
An HTTP user of your API. This could be a simple command line (CLI) application like curl or wget. It will likely be some external application that needs to pull data from PeopleSoft.
PeopleSoft Integration Gateway - This is the web server that is running your integration broker.
The way the data is “wrapped” and presented to the client: JSON, XML or CSV.
The HTTP request made by the client. This includes the URL path, query strings, and HTTP Headers.
The data that comes back from the server to the client in reply to an HTTP Request.
REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for designing networked applications, particularly web services, that emphasizes a stateless, client-server communication model. It promotes the use of standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform operations on resources identified by unique URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). RESTful systems leverage the principles of scalability, simplicity, and modifiability, allowing different clients to interact with the server using a uniform and predictable interface. It facilitates the exchange of data in various formats, such as JSON or XML, and supports the separation of concerns between client and server components.
A proprietary JSON and XML syntax to request data from SWS. Read more on the PsoftQL Syntax